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  • Writer's picturejustjvd

Uh Oh...My Friend is a COVIDIOT.

If you've clicked on this post you are probably experiencing 1 of 3 things... 1) You also have a friend who may be a COVIDIOT. 2) You think you may be my friend who is a COVIDIOT and all I can say is, if the shoe fits....BLOOP. 3) You're either my mom or my teacher so you had no choice but to read this...HEY LADIES!

Finding out your friend is a COVIDIOT is honestly heartbreaking. Like how can you honestly believe COVID doesn't exist!? What good reason does the government have to lie about the realness of COVID? When will 1+1=4? Please. Make it make sense.



Before we get into it please know, I don't agree with everything being shut down. Businesses deserve to be open and there should be more funding going towards small businesses to help keep them open. Francine's Flower Shop should be given the same respect and opportunity to safely conduct business as Wal-Mart. Why Doug Ford thinks he should dictate what is essential business is beyond me.


Being a COVIDIOT is not something you should be proud of. You're not woke, despite what that big toothed Toronto man may tell you, and you're definitely not helping speed up the process of getting things back to "normal" by ignoring the rules.

The rules are honestly so basic and easy to follow. The fact that wearing a mask is deemed as the biggest oppression you've faced in your life is honestly sad. As the wise Kourtney Kardashian once said, "Kim, there's people that are dying!". Like honestly, how hard is it to wear a mask!? They have so many benefits!

Me wearing a mask like the Queen I am.

1) No one can see your mouth so that means that little mustache you haven't been able to wax because the salon is closed won't be seen by anybody.

2) You're basically unrecognizable, so stick up your middle finger towards your ex, how will the know it was you? They will never know!

3) They keep you warm AF! Wind chill? Hah! Please, she is not touching my face with this protective gear I got going on.

4) You probably haven't gotten a serious cold over a year. Why? BECAUSE IT'S HARD TO SPREAD DISEASES WHEN YOU GOT A MASK ON. Keeping your mouth covered even when you're not sick, protects others and yourself from further spreading germs.

Now that we've gone through why you should wear a mask our next stop is why going on vacation, and then complaining about having to quarantine, is honestly ridiculous and selfish. You don't think the rest of us want to be on a sandy beach in Mexico!? Obviously we would love to leave, but you want to know why we don't go? BECAUSE WE ARE IN A PANDEMIC!

yeah I see those prices but i'm staying home.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Fine, the airport is open and flights are cheap I get it. By all means go ahead and live your best life, but then please respect my life by quarantining once you get back. You have just been on a plane, resort, and lord knows where else, with a bunch of strangers who could have COVID and not know it yet. Since you were selfish enough to complain about following rules here, I can only imagine how many rules you broke while you were away because "you're not a sheep. You make your own decisions". *insert rolling eye emoji*

The world does not revolve around you even if your mother said it should you spoiled brat! If you've got the disposable income to go on vacation while being off work then you should have enough for a quarantined hotel stay. If you don't have money like that then maybe you should just stay home like the rest of us and deal with it. Complaining about a situation that you willingly put yourself in is annoying and nobody is going to feel sorry for you, so save the GoFundMe for something that actually matters.

I guess how I would like to sum this up is just stop being a COVIDIOT. Stop complaining about the small things. Wearing a mask and missing vacations are not going to kill you. I'm sorry if you were someone that lost a job to COVID but taking it out on everyone else is not going to make you a hero. Also, spreading false information does not make you a hero. It may get you trending on Twitter, but you are not a hero.

Me and the hubby being COVID safe.

Nurses and Doctors who are working crazy hours to try and keep up with the amount of sick patients in their hospitals are heroes. And you know what doesn't help them? Having a COVIDIOT spend their time crying from their house about how life isn't fair, while they risk their lives to keep your friends and loved ones alive. In fact, what's worse is having to take care of a COVIDIOT because they refused to believe COVID was a real and serious thing. Your dumb ass taking up a hospital bed is not something they need. It should be reserved for patients who got the unlucky hand in the draw. Not some COVIDIOT that couldn't be bothered to follow simple rules.

So put on your mask, stay home and honestly just shut up. You're not woke. You're an idiot.

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